"The aion is the potential continuity without break of the deployment of all planes of consistency: everything is potentially encodable. ..everything that happens is connected. Nothing is left aside, nothing is contradictory. An unlimitative field of disjunction is opened up." Guattari, anti oedipus papers

Rules for being an ARP
1 Miles Davis axiom: if you understood everything I said you would be me
2 Don't get caught in someone else's dream. Unless you totally understand it and dig it. (Refer point 1)
3 lore of attraction. magnets don't grow or work on trees. An apple fell, a penny for your thoughts.
4 being a ghostwriter has street cred. Being ghostwritten for might never fade. Say no to ghostwriting.
5 Ron Coleman is a peer revolutionary and says you can DIY but diagnosing other peers is best kept to you.
6 I am a peer. I am peer reviewed. Though even if I was ever offered it I'd never be a peer of the realm.
7. Lucky last. Laughter love and I'm not telling what the autopredictor suggested
8 I find it hard but keep promises, words, memories. Pure Memory is a cosmos.
2017 because I said so

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